The Family Grove


Plant your very own mini-Sequoia Grove for your family.

Each of our Sequoia trees comes at a cost of £1250 with its own area of 100m2 and including c.20 additional trees planted to support healthy growth and biodiversity. Selected the ‘Quantity’ below for how many Sequoia trees you want in your grove.

Family 15% discount available for 4 or more trees.

You are welcome to come and plant your Sequoia tree(s) in person (optional). Planting dates are made available within 6 months from purchase.

Once the tree(s) has been planted a personalised engraved wooden plaque can be sent out (8-12 weeks after planting) complete with tree GPS / W3W coordiantes.

Our forecasted carbon capture (incl. additionality) per Sequoia tree over 150 years is 126 tonnes, and over 250 years in 500 tonnes, equivalent to average UK person’s lifetime carbon footprint.

Across our sites dedicated areas are set aside for the planting of three native trees for every Sequoia to promote biodiversity, together with areas left for natural regeneration, and the use of non-permanent ‘nurse crop’ trees to support healthy growth.

We provide protection from browsing wildlife and weeds while the tree is young, and in the case of failure in its early life we will replace with a new sapling free of charge.

You are welcome to visit your tree(s). Visitors must stick to footpaths at all times to prevent damage to our planted areas of young and often hard to see trees.

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